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Saturday, April 02, 2005

Strange Bedfellows

Let's see who agrees with whom on social issues. This should be real interesting!

Abortion Rights
Liberals - Favors
Osama bin Laden - Opposes
NeoConservative - Opposes

Prayer in School
Liberals - Opposes
Osama bin Laden - Favors
NeoConservative - Favors

Separation of Church & State
Liberals - Favors
Osama bin Laden - Opposes
NeoConservative - Opposes

Liberals - Opposes
Osama bin Laden - Favors
NeoConservative - Favors

Interpretation of Religious Scripture
Liberals - Not Literal
Osama bin Laden - Literal
NeoConservative - Literal

Women's Rights
Liberals - Favors
Osama bin Laden - Opposes
NeoConservative - Opposes

Death with Dignity
Liberals - Favors
Osama bin Laden - Opposes
NeoConservative - Opposes

Theory of Evolution
Liberals - Accepts
Osama bin Laden - Rejects

United Nations
Liberals - Supports
Osama bin Laden - Opposes
NeoConservative - Opposes

Gay Rights
Liberals - Favors
Osama bin Laden - Opposes
NeoConservative - Opposes

Liberals - Favors
Osama bin Laden - Opposes
NeoConservative - Opposes

Sex Education
Liberals - Favors
Osama bin Laden - Opposes
NeoConservative - Opposes

Severe Penalties for Drug Use
Liberals - Opposes
Osama bin Laden - Favors
NeoConservative - Favors

Corporal Punishment
Liberals - Opposes
Osama bin Laden - Favors
NeoConservative - Favors

Thinks There is Only One TRUE God
Liberals - No
Osama bin Laden - Yes
NeoConservative - Yes

Dissent = Disloyalty
Liberals - Disagrees
Osama bin Laden - Agrees
NeoConservative - Agrees

Thanks to Thought Crimes


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