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Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Who really cares?

Back in 1986, John Kerry recalled on the floor of the US Senate that he had spent Christmas under fire in Cambodia in 1968. An intense muckraking campaign, which the Republicans have barely distanced themselves from, has revealed that Kerry's recollection is incorrect, despite Kerry's claim that the memory was "seared" into his consciousness. Kerry has had to retract his claim, and if you're a Republican you want to string him up for it at the same time as you vindicate Bush for being evasive on his own service record.

But the fact of the matter is that no one really cares. Can you remember where you were on Christmas Eve 18 years ago? Combat memories are tricky enough as it is. Even the muckrakers admit that Kerry was probably only a few miles away from Cambodia, and that he was in Cambodia on another occassion.

Reagan lied about the Contras. Clinton lied about a lot of stuff but mostly women. Americans have shown time and again that they will vote for liars and scoundrels. Two guys whose memories are a little foggy about their service records are the least of our problems.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He hase not yet released records to prove he was ever in Cambodia, so we do not admit that he was. Why do you think he is afraid to release the records?

9:24 AM  
Blogger jodru said...

First off, who's the "we" that is not admitting that Kerry was in Cambodia? Very mysterious, Mr. Anonymous.

Secondly, and much more painfully obvious, the United States was illegally bombing and raiding Cambodia. We denied it throughout the war, and Kerry, along with hundreds of other veterans, was bemoaning his own government's denial of the orders he executed.

So, "touche"; you win. Yes, there is no proof (wink, wink).

10:35 AM  
Blogger NastyBoy said...

First off, never trust an anonymous poster. Secondly, who gives a rat's ass where he was on Christmas Eve. He served in Vietnam and Bush didn't. Case closed! It's disgusting that chickenhawks even question his service.

2:04 PM  
Blogger NastyBoy said...

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2:04 PM  
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2:04 PM  
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4:57 PM  
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5:25 PM  

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