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Sunday, August 15, 2004

Updates to post 9/11 Survival Guide

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For those that purchased, When the Shit Hits the Fan: Your Post-9/11 Survival Guide , please note the following changes:
On page 12 the sentence reading, “A massive power outage across many sections of the grid can only mean one thing: Armageddon” should actually say, “Most power fluctuations are the result of antiquated equipment and should be dealt with in a calm and rational manner.” The authors regret this typo and apologize for any undo anxiety it may have caused.

Chapter 2 (“Don’t Open That Envelope!”) gave many helpful tips regarding safe disposal of unread mail. The authors would now suggest that such drastic steps be taken only if the mail in question is ticking or appears to be associated with a Public Television fund drive. NOTE: On page 24, the sentence reading, “Be sure never to send foot powder through the Postal Service, even in jest” should now read “Never go swimming in a Maryland pond.”

Pages 55 through 59, including the sections entitled “Dissent Is Treason” and “A Corpse Has No Civil Liberties” have been removed from the latest edition of the Survival Guide.

You can read more of the changes here.


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